I haven't posted in a while, but I have a good excuse. This is currently what my keyboard looks like....
Roman decided to pluck off a bunch of keys while I was putting Iris down for a nap. And I can't get them back on. Fortunately, you can still type without keys. However, there's these litttle nubby things that you have to hit just right since there's no key there. It's extremely annoying. Right at this very moment I'm about to throw in the towel on this whole post because I'm getting so annoyed. I'm so cheap though that I'll probably just keep it this way forever. When did I become so white trash?

There's a funny story that goes with these two pictures. Roman LOVES the Backyardigans. My mom knows of his love for the cartoon, so for Christmas she bought him a Backyardigans DVD and some toys. Well, he loves his little guys. Their names are Tyrone (the one on the left) and Pablo (on the right). Anyway, they're probably his favorite Christmas present. I'll often find him walking around the house with Pablo and Tyrone tucked safely in his jeans pockets. By the way, what's with those names?! So, the other day he was rebelling against taking a nap (a regular occurrence these days). So in an effort to get him to go to sleep nicely, I took Tyrone and held him up to my ear and acted like I was listening to something he was saying. I started saying "Uh-huh...yep...I'll tell him." Roman's face lit up. Then I said, "Roman, Tyrone just told me that it's time for you to take a nap. He really thinks you need one." Then without missing a beat, Roman takes Pablo and puts him up to his ear. Then he says, "Mommy, Pablo wants to watch
Cars." What?! How did he get so smart? He didn't buy it for a minute. I know for a fact that I was not that smart as a kid. In fact, I was down right gullible. I was one of those kids that believed anything my parents told me. I guess I won't have that luxury...not with Roman anyway.

I just love this picture of my little Iris. Who knew that a unabrow could be so cute? She's starting to eat baby food AND last night was her 3rd night in a row of sleeping through the night...yay!! It's so nice to get some sleep. She's such a sweet girl and her personality is really starting to show. She is always smiling and laughing- I love it.
Just so you all know, this has been the most annoying post to type. I hope you're all grateful for your fancy computers that have keys. D0n't worry about me...
Haha, that's funny that you have to type like that, but stinks about your computer. Matt's laptop once had a little pop spilled on it, and we had to take the keys of because they kept sticking, but they would go back on, you just had to push REALLY hard.
I love the little backyardigan story. That is just too funny. I thought you were all going to say he actually went to sleep!
Iris is just as cute as ever! I love it!
Boppy - your stories are so funny. Could you tape some cotton balls onto those keys? Poor little computer. Iree is looking so big - what a good girl to sleep all night already. Pablo must have told her to - ha! I'm still looking for that third Backyardigan guy - must not be in my house! Mom
LOVE the Bakcyardigans story, yeah, that little Roman is a smartie pants! Sucks about those keys on the keyboard, I am thinking of you as my space bar sticks..... :) Iree is definitely a keeper. :)
Ha Ha I'm glad you decide to post your stories even with the annoying computer! If it makes you feel better Gracie popped our "N" key off about a year ago then put it in her mouth and chewed it up...and no we never did get it fixed, so I feel your pain a little bit:) Little Roman is quite the smarty pants, you better watch our for him. And Iris is just so darn cute I wish I could squeeze her!
I can't believe how big Iris is getting. I bet Hadley won't even be able to hold her. We need to get together! I was hoping to have a party next weekend but Garrett and Jilayne are going to Boise. Maybe we can just come in to Moses and go to dinner or something. My kids could babysit.
Hey Bops....Chris was just reading your blog and told me that I needed to tell you how to put the keys back on. We have the same laptop...so...all you need to do is take them and press really really hard, and they will snap right back in, assuming Romie didn't chew them up or something. :) Chris was feeling really bad...I'm not sure if he felt worse for you or the computer. ha ha
If our laptop is open, Reed is busting over to rip the keys off too. It is highly annoying so finding that many keys ripped off might just send me over the edge. Way to push through the pain and get this post done!
I hate to tell you but you might just be in for in with your sweet little Romie. My Dane has always been too smart for his own brithces and man it really sucks getting called out by a little kid. I can't count the times....!!
Iris is a DOLL! I love her little face.
Yes Bethany, been there, done that nap with toy thing. The only advice I can give you is next time hold pablo AND tyrone up to your ears! then there's no negotiation. ha ha. Sorry bout your keys. If it helps, my internet takes probably the same rediculous time to load as it takes you to type! Happy typing. poor rommie.
Thanks for posting even though your keyboard is missing keys! It's nice to see pics of your adorable kids. BTW, what IS up with those names? CLaire loves that cartoon too, but I have always been suspicious of the names. Especially Uniqua? One guess what nationality the makers are. No offense. Anyway... Your kids are so cute. Keep posting!
haha that is lols. How frustrating, but seriously, that computer is wrecked. And i would leave it that way too, maybe it's a bennion thing.
Iris is so cute, and she is growing so fast!
In the words of Beff, "oh my stars!" Little Roman got into some mischief! My kids have done that before! yikes! Your kids are just sooo cute!
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