My little baby Romie turned 18 months old on March 29. I've been wanting to do a post about some of the things he's doing at this age. First of all, here are his stats: He's 30 inches long and 21 pounds. Yeah, he's just a little guy. He's in the 3rd percentile for height and the 5th for weight. Maybe he'll have a growth spurt someday :)
A few things Roman loves:
Playing outside
Anything sweet
Elmo...unfortunately for me
Cars, airplanes, trucks, and pretty much anything else that goes fast. He's especially fascinated with cars. He calls anything with wheels a car.
His mom and dad, obviously. He really loves when his dad comes home and they can play.
- He's very clean in some ways. For example if he gets a crumb on the sippy part of his cup then he'll give it to me and say, "Uh-oh, mommy." That means I have to clean it off before he'll drink out of it again. But don't be fooled, he has no problem with throwing his food on the floor.
- I recently started weening him from his binky and it's been surprisingly easy. He mostly just used it at night. Anyway, now he sucks on his pointer finger to get to sleep. Strange, huh? I guess he's just gotta be thumb for him.
- He loves to put his finger in his belly button. So much so that I have to put a onsie under his shirts or else he'll have his finger on his button all day long.
- Roman doesn't walk - he struts. He's got the funniest little strut. I tried to take a picture of it, but it really doesn't do it justice
- Mommy and Da
- Cookie
- Car
- Ball
- Cold (which means outside and cold)
- Lala (means Elmo)
- No
- Cheese
- Ju (juice)
- Beh (his friend, Beck)
- Baby
- pane (airplane)
- Cheekie (chicken)
- bee-dee (birdie)
I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of all of them right now. He also can do the animal sounds for dog, cat, rooster, lamb, pig, goat, and birdies. Anyway, I know this was a long post, but I felt like I needed to document some of these things (especially since I don't have a baby book). I can't believe that my baby is turning into a toddler. In some ways I feel like he's been here forever and in another way I feel like he was born a few weeks ago. Time flies and I love seeing my baby grow and do new things. He's such a joy to Jason and me...most of the time :)
OH! How sweet! What a funny boy, and I can tell he totally does have a little strut! It makes me even that more excited for Keric to hurry up and get here. :) I hope he will be half as cute as your little Romie! :) He really is a sweet heart! Give him a big Happy 18 month Birthday Romie hug for me!
Roman is so dang cute! I can still remember him as a little baby. Haven't seen you for awhile, hope your still feeling good!
He's such a cutie. It's so nice to have a blog to document everything on. I don't have a journal or baby books, so this makes up for those. Just wait until the baby comes, he is going to seem so huge. But really is is still a baby himself!!
He is so cute! Too bad we're not closer- Taggart and Romie could be friends. Taggart is 18 months next month and it's fun to read what similarities there are. So cute!
i love this post. it really was a good one. And don't worry Bethany, I will buy little Romie TONS of Elmo stuff, maybe wvwn a blow up Elmo to stick in your yard at Christmas time. :)
At least Elmo is better than Barney or the Teletubbies! (Luckily, my kids never got into either of those!)
Love the strut!
Beff did you teach him the strut. What a cute little boy you have. Kids are so much fun. Do you have a name picked out for you little girl yet? Oh I am putting my blog on private and need your email address. I am glad you got to go home too.
Just embrace Elmo, Bethany. I think he's kinda cute in a really annoying way, ha!
I wish I could rewind time and blog my other kids lives. It seems so much easier than baby books. But maybe that's because I like to waste time on the computer and not make cute scrapbooks like some people we know. Ya you, Korbi!
Really Roman is so cute. I love 18 month olds!
Roman is such a handsome boy...he and Q would be great friends (they are just about the same size) You should put a video on of his animal sounds...we are really interested in the Goat and Rooster. HaHa!
thanks b! You guys are too cute! I'm not sure I have the adorable stories or pictures to post, but I'll try! Here's my input for names... Mia Isabella
He better put some weight on. In a couple more years I plan on using him to drag all my deer for me. Then I am going to get him addicted to it and you will probably end up with deer horns all over your house as well.
That boy is sooo cute!!! I think he looks a lot like you. Those eyes are beautiful! How are you feeling these days! Does he understand that you are having a baby? He is growing so fast. :)
Guess what Bethany!!! you're in luck, I have a whole collection of elmo's!!! They are almost all battery operated, so so much noisy fun for you!! be so happy to gift those to you, clear out a spot though, we've got lots! conner loved elmo!
He too coot! I can tell he his doing the strut in that picture. Love the strut!
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